I’m so excited to start on this new learning bilingual activity pack on Doctor Visit (看医生)!
There are so many fun activities in this pack that the kids won’t even realised they are learning through play!
1) X-Ray Station (X射线站)
This is our first station: the X-Ray station! Where we learnt about the major bones that form up the human skeleton! The is where the older kids cut out the bone structure (I will cut out the pieces for the younger kids or to save time) and piece together the bones. The joints are fixed together with paper fasteners so they are movable!
The next activity is to stick the blue bilingual labels on the different part of the bones.
Note: Hand and Feet are not really bones but the kids need to learn the Chinese 手and 脚 right? Haha!
So what’s the importance of learning Humerus and Femur then? Well, when you go for your pregnancy check ups, besides head circumference and abdomen circumference, they measure humerus and femur length too!
✅ Cutting and Pasting Skills
✅ Logic and cognitive skills to join the bones in the right order
✅ Fine motor skills to attach the paper fasteners
✅ English and Chinese language skills through matching labels to bone parts
2) Identifying and matching objects in doctor kit! (Doctor play tools not included)
This activity has 8 doctor object bilingual cards. Matching, labeling, communicating in Chinese and or English is a great way to start pretend play. This is so that the kids know the objects before play!
✅ Matching of objects in English and Chinese
✅ Understanding of object functions through pretend play
3) Pretend Play badges and note pad!
This set consist of 7 occupation badges (6 are shown above) and a notepad to encourage math understanding, learning and writing of time, height, weight and temperature. The diagnosis portion also encourages reading and writing relating to the doctor visit! (badge clips and clip file not included)
✅ Understanding of occupations and diagnosis
✅ Math/Science concept of time, height, weight and temperature
✅ Encourages reading and writing
4) Let’s make a clock! ⏰
Let’s make a clock by introducing the following:
1) Writing numbers 1 to 12 on the clock for the hours
2) Sticking Velcro on the 5th to 60th minutes (blue round numbered dots)
3) Understanding that the short hand relates to hour and the long hand relates to minute and positioning it on the clock
4) Writing the time and patient name on the separate appointment list and form the respective timings
5) Reading 7.50pm as 7 (per the square) and 50 (per the round circle).
6) For primary kids, would introduce that 1 hour = 60 minutes and 1 minute = 60 seconds
✅ Math conception of time
✅ Number writing from 1-12
✅ Skip counting in 5s
✅ Writing time and names
5) At the Optometrist! 👓
Another pretend play! Where the parent/child can pretend to be the optometrist and the other the patient!
Pointing to alphabets and numbers develops great letter and number recognition and if the child can’t read the words, he can wear glasses!
I would cut out the glasses and the holes for the kids to see through! A very fun activity!
✅ Letter and number recognition
✅ Role modelling and learning through pretend play
6) Reading Station!
What better way to engage the kids that to have a Chinese book on going to the doctor (看医生). This book introduces what to expect at the doctor‘s clinic eg. measuring height and weight and taking temperature. It also shows a boy that seems unhappy in all the scenes (except for the cover page) and except at the end! Read the ending twist on why he smiled at the end. Its also black and white to double up as a colouring book!
✅ Doctor terms in chinese
✅ Colouring skills
✅ Reading comprehension
✅ Bonding through reading
7) Organ apron!
The final and most exciting station is also the most interactive that we have teamed up with @shalemshekinah; @hadomi store! Remove and stick back on the velcro again and again the different parts of the organ in the body! Behind each organ is an English label!
Paired with laminated bilingual cards on the major organs of the body, the whole family is involved in pretend play learning!
I totally love this station as my kids keep taking out and sticking back the organ parts and by such interactive and kinaesthetic fun, they learn about the organs in both English and Chinese and learn about the location of the organs!
✅ Organs names in English and Chinese
✅ Location of the organs
✅ Learning through pretend play
So this wraps up the 7 fun activities for doctor visit!
We are having a joint giveaway (February 2020) so do stay tuned for more details!!
If you would like to grab the set for yourself, do message us on IG for more info here: